Had some fun with the snow today, and sculpted a large minifig. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out
Snow made minifig
Surviving in the mountains
A typical norwegian easter activity is to bring the family to ski in the mountains. On these trips, you usually stay in a small cottage, and this cottage, if it’s the old fashioned type, has no water or electricity. This poses a few problems for a geek who usually spends most of the day in front of a computer. Luckily, our cottage has 12V current from a solar powered battery, meaning I can charge my phone and my Nintendo DS. I’ve tried bringing my laptop before, but I just end up trying to conserve it’s battery and hence barely using it, so this year, I’ve left it behind. My phone is a small computer anyway 😉
Another problem up here is the worse than bad reception I get from my cellphone carrier (Netcom). Outside (and if I hold my phone up to the window) I can get some GSM reception, giving me EDGE at the most. Inside the cottage, I get nothing. This is why, in addition to my work-payed SIM, I have an extra SIM with a data-only subscription from the other (large) cellphone carrier in Norway (Telenor). This lets me have perfect 3G inside the cabin, so I can check email, read some news and make a blog post or two 😉 Looks like I’ll be able to survive another trip to the mountains then
There’s still hope for MeeGo!
Reuters has an article today about MeeGo seeing support from other mobile handset manufacturers now that Nokia has dropped it. I’m currently a very happy owner of the N900 running Maemo, and I’m really hoping this to be true, and that my next mobile phone will be running MeeGo. Fingers crossed!
Hello world
Hello world, and welcome to my new blog! Yes, it’s like the third time (maybe? I lose count…) I attempt to start a new blog, but this time I’m serious about it, I promise! So what’s this blog going to be about then? Well, my plan is to use this blog to give an insight into the life of a female geek. I’ll be blogging about purchases I make, commenting about stuff I read, games I play, and most importantly, showing off my projects.
So what types of things am I into that you can expect to read about in this blog? Well, of course, as you might already have guessed from all the photos in my sidebar, my main hobby LEGO building is going to be given vast space. After all, it’s what I fill most of my spare time with these days, being an AFOL (Adult Fan Of LEGO). Now you might think LEGO is a children’s toy, but you might change your mind if you see all the cool stuff you can do with it 😉
I’m also a computer geek (and a programmer by profession), a Linux user and open source supporter. I play games, buy lots of gizmos and gadgets, and engage in physical activities such as Aikido. So expect stuff about all of those things.
You can also be sure that I’ll be talking about the interesting conversations I have with people who still struggle to understand that females can be just as geeky as males. Just recently, a guy who knows I’m a computer geek, who knows I’m deeply into LEGO, who is a computer geek and AFOL himself, was surprised when I said I played StarCraft II. Apparently, that was at an even geekier level, and I’m a girl after all! A lot of guys seem to think I’m some sort of rare breed with all this non-girly interests of mine. Maybe I am, but I’m proud to be a girl, and being a geek doesn’t make me any less of a girl (and no, I’m not a lesbian, and I’m married to a guy :P)
I think that’s enough of an introduction. Hope you’ll enjoy my blog!